
How to Refocus Mid-Year and Achieve Your Goals

It’s already mid-year, but don’t worry! Follow these tips from QPG to refocus your goals, understand your habits, seek advice from professionals, and achieve success in 2023.

Time flies, and we’re already halfway through 2023. This calls for a mid-year reset to evaluate the progress of the goals we set at the beginning of the year and make necessary adjustments to ensure we achieve them. 

The first half of the year may have been inspiring and motivating, but it’s not uncommon for the enthusiasm to dwindle by the midway point. 

That’s why it’s essential to take the time to refocus and energise ourselves towards success. 

Here are some tips from QPG to help you achieve your goals in the middle of the year.

Review Your Previous Goals and Achievements

Remember those goals you set at the beginning of the year? It’s time to pull those back out and reflect on them! The best place to start your reset is by evaluating the work you’ve previously achieved. Write down the goals you made at the start of the year and what have achieved in the last 6 months. Once the goals are written in front of you, ask yourself:

  • Am I happy with this progress?
  • Are you still aligned with them? If not, why?
  • What has changed since the beginning of the year?
  • What can I change around me to achieve the goals I missed?

Paint a Picture of What the Next 6 Months Will Look Like

After reviewing your previous goals and achievements, consider what you need to do in the next six months to achieve your goals.

Think about what you’ve done in the past six months that helped you progress towards your goals and what you can do in the next six months to continue making progress.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • What have I done in the past 6 months to help achieve my goals? 
  • What can I do in the next 6 months to achieve/help achieve my goals? 
  • Have I achieved one or more of my goals?
  • How did achieving one or more of my goals make me feel? 
  • What was the process like and was that goal as beneficial as I’d hoped it would be?

Reflect on how achieving your goals in the past made you feel and use that motivation to propel you forward. By understanding how far you’ve come, you’ll be able to develop accountable actions to help you achieve your goals.

Create a System that Makes Success Easier

Instead of just setting goals, create systems that make it easier for you to succeed. This requires an understanding of your habits and personality traits.

Identify what kind of person you are, whether you’re a procrastinator, impulsive spender, or any other habits that can impact your progress. Then, make small adjustments that can help you address these habits and make progress towards your goals.

Additionally, seek advice from professionals, especially for complex goals that require thorough decision-making. Industry professionals can provide valuable insights and help you develop a system that aligns with your needs and wants.

Set Your Property Goals  

If your goals relate to the property market, such as becoming a homeowner, saving for a deposit, or paying down debts, QPG can assist you. QPG guides all property owners through the homeownership process and refers them to industry professionals to help them achieve their property goals. Take advantage of our  Free Online Homeownership Assessment or speak with one of our property experts so you can achieve your goals. 

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