
‘Tis the Season of Spring Cleaning

The joys of Spring… Decluttering and cleaning the items in your home to give you a new home feeling!

It is that time of year where we finally give in and organise our homes. Although it can be a dreadful time, the sensation you feel when your home is clean and organised is a feeling that cannot be replaced.  

Have a plan 

Before you start spring cleaning, ask yourself if you are decluttering your home or cleaning out the old to prepare for the new. This will help you understand what your spring cleaning goals are and help you create a time schedule and list to make sure you complete everything.


Decluttering is the ultimate cleaning tool – the more items you part your ways with, the less you have to organise! 

Items you can declutter in your bedroom are clothes, shoes and accessories. If you have not worn these items in a long time due to size, change in taste or they are “out of fashion”, put them in bags and donate them to your local Vinnies or Salvos. 

Items you can declutter in your bathroom are beauty products. Look at your bathroom bench, sink and cupboard – are there items in there that are taking up too much space that you never use, items that are expired or empty bottles that you haven’t gotten around to throwing out yet? Spend time in your bathroom identifying what is worth keeping and what is worth parting ways with whether it be throwing it out, recycling it or giving to a friend. QPG Tip – when you identify what you want to keep, go to your local Kmart or discount store and buy storage shelves or baskets so you can neatly organise your items instead of just putting them back in the cupboard.

Photo Credit: @pinterest

Items you can declutter in your study/home office are stationary, old planning calendars and furniture. You should work out what you actually use, what is unusable and what is taking up too much space. This is the time to throw out all your pens or stationary items that do not work or your old planning calendars from 2 years ago that are not relevant to you anymore. Consider changing how your furniture is positioned and if the furniture is necessary in order to create more room and an effective work space. 

Photo Credit: @pexels

Items you can declutter in your kitchen are odd items, Tupperware, fridge, freezer and pantry. If you have cutlery or plates that do not match the rest, it is time to part ways by throwing them out or donating them. Spring cleaning is the one time of the year where you need to realise that if you have been holding on to Tupperware’s that are missing lids or bases, you must accept the fact that they are taking up too much space and throw them out. Now for your fridge, freezer and pantry, throw out all the food that is past its expiry date. Organise where different types of fridge, freezer and pantry would go e.g. dairy, dinner leftovers, frozen veggies, cereals, canned food, etc. 

Photo Credit: @pinterest

Items you can declutter in your living and dining room are old magazines and broken items. Decide whether you should throw out, donate or recycle magazines that are no longer useful to you. If anything is unusable or broken in your living room, now is the time to say goodbye and part ways. 

Photo Credit: @pexels

Items you can declutter in your laundry are cleaning products and broken furniture. Go through all your laundry detergents and products and see what is if anything is empty or multiple of the same products are open. QPG Tip – when you identify what you want to keep, go to your local Kmart or discount store and buy storage shelves or baskets so you can neatly organise your items instead of just putting them back in the cupboard. If you have any broken furniture including washing baskets, it is time to part way with them.

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